Women Helping Others (WHO) will launch its seventh annual fundraising campaign for Sun City and Georgetown residents receiving Meals-on-Wheels. Part of the fundraising efforts include an event at Mulligan’s, 150 Dove Hollow Drive in the White Wing Clubhouse in Sun City.
Nels Johnson, owner of Mulligan’s is again sponsoring a benefit night beginning at 5pm on Friday, August 30. There will be a live band and special Meals-on-Wheels drinks. A $10 cover charge is required to get into this event. The total cover charge received will be donated to Meals-on-Wheels.
This year St. David’s Foundation will match dollar for dollar up to $15,000.00 for this event.
One of the biggest misconceptions about the Meals-on-Wheels program is eligibility. It is NOT based on income. Rather, eligibility requirements are based on age and disability. Recipients must be at least 60 years of age, disabled or unable to prepare meals or shop for groceries.
Meals for Sun City and Georgetown clients are prepared fresh at the Madella Hilliard Senior Center Kitchen located at 803 West 8th Street in Georgetown. The meals are cooked daily, not frozen, and of high nutritional quality. The fresh hot meals are delivered daily, Monday through Friday, year-round, by a cadre of dedicated volunteers.
Funding for the program comes from the Older Americans Act, local governments, various grants, organizations, private donors and fundraisers. Meals on Wheels in Georgetown and across Williamson County is managed by the Senior Nutrition program of Opportunities for Williamson & Burnet Counties. WHO’s fundraiser is one of the largest third-party fundraisers for Opportunities. All funds received from this fundraiser will go to purchase food only; no overhead costs are taken from these proceeds.
To donate make checks out to Opportunities, Meals-on-Wheels and mail to 604 High Tech Drive, Georgetown, TX 78626. In the memo field put “WHO Fundraiser” to ensure the contributions are credited to this event and the money is restricted to the Senior Nutrition program.