Artist Dak Kinser delighted Jack (8) with a custom South American tree frog at the facepaint booth. Kinsmet Kreativity painted for the kids free of charge (KinsmetKreativity.com)

Georgetown PD Officer Delta Jolly takes a dunk for charity
Wolf Ranch hosted Touch A Truck June 23 for attendees to enjoy a fun-filled morning checking out more than 30 emergency and construction vehicles as well as jumbo-sized equipment. Children (and grownups) could touch, climb on the vehicles, and ask any questions from the attending officers, military personnel and specialists.
Among many free activities were face painting, a photo booth and—one of the favorite attractions—a giant sandbox. Georgetown Police Department and Williamson County Sheriff officers took turns at the dunk tank as a fundraiser for their departments.
The event also featured a sensory hour from 9-10am; no horns or sirens, for children with special needs and sensory sensitivities.
Touch A Truck events allow kids’ imaginations to run as they explore all shapes and sizes including a fire truck, tow truck, dump truck, cement mixer; TEXSAR Search and Rescue equipment; school bus, SWAT, and police vehicles.
Parents also received Child Find materials and a wealth of information about amateur radio support for first responder support, child safety and city and county programs.