Intelligent people tend to be messier, stay up later and curse more.
The closer in length your fourth and second finger are, the more aggressive you are likely to be.
More than 17,000 people in the US and UK auditioned for the role of Harry Potter.
Usain Bolt broke the world record at the 2008 for the 100m with his shoe untied.
Emma Watson has spent 45 percent of her life shooting the Harry Potter series.
Apple has $164 billion in cash. They can buy Netflix, Pandora, Uber, Whatsapp and still have $31 billion.
500-Euro notes are called “Bin Ladens” because everyone knows what they look like but they are really hard to find.
Birds can see the Earth’s magnetic field.
Hens can see daylight 45 minutes earlier than humans can.
The longest time between twins being born is 87 days.
In 1923, Jockey Frank Hayes had a heart attack in the middle of a race at Belmont and died. His body stayed in the saddle and his horse won the race.
Most Sesame Street Muppets are left-handed. The puppeteers use their dominant hand to operate the puppet. (You’re looking at your hand right now aren’t you?)
Taxpayers lose money every year making pennies and nickels because they cost more to make than they’re worth.
Neil Armstrong may have stepped first, but Buzz Aldrin was the first person to urinate on the moon (in the suit of course, shortly after stepping onto the surface).
Scientists have been able to slow the speed of light down to 17m/sec by pulsing it through ultracold atomic gas (not sure why they would want to…).
Russia has a larger surface area than Pluto.
There are 1.6 million ants for every human on Earth. But, all the ants weigh the same as all the humans.
Shakespeare made up the name Jessica for “The Merchant of Venice.”
The strawberry is not a berry. The banana is. A pineapple is not a single fruit, but a group of berries that have fused together.
The US state closest to Africa is Maine.
It would take 100 years to watch every video on Youtube.