Justice Mike Toth was appointed to the Third Court of Appeals by Governor Greg Abbot in September 2018. He is also a Major in the US Marine Corps Reserves.
Justice Toth says he was inspired to join the Corps after 9/11. He spent four years on active duty as a Marine attorney, worked as an attorney for two federal judges, and as Special Counsel at the Texas Attorney General’s Office, where he fought against federal overreach. Justice Toth was Senior Counsel at a private firm prior to his appointment.
“As a Marine and as an attorney, I have protected Texans, the rule of law and the Constitution. Becoming a Justice seemed to me to be the place where I could best continue protecting Texans and defending our Constitution.”
Working closely with Attorney General Ken Paxton, Toth handled numerous cases challenging job-killing federal regulations that threatened harm to Texas businesses and residents. His legal arguments also helped General Paxton obtain numerous nationwide victories against the Obama Administration.
He was drawn to the Court of Appeals for the critical nature of the cases that come before the bench. “The Third Court of Appeals the final stop for the vast bulk of lawsuits filed in this area. Additionally, the Third Court handles cases involving state regulations, laws, and officials because it has jurisdiction over the seat of the state government—Travis County.”
Justice Toth will continue to serve Williamson County as a Marine and is running to continue as Judge; “I am fair, impartial, and fully committed to the rule of law. I will not legislate from the bench.”
Having been appointed to the job during his campaign, he has pleased to report the duties are everything he hoped; “I truly love the feeling of waking up every day with the responsibility to enforce the rule of law and defend our Constitution. It is a heavy burden, but also a very fulfilling one. I also enjoy the collegiality with my fellow justices on the Third Court, who are all wonderful and thoughtful people.”
Toth asks for voters’ support “because I will defend and uphold the Constitution. Voters can trust me to interpret and apply the law faithfully as it is written. My experience and qualifications are why Governor Abbott, two former Texas Chief Justices, and major law enforcement and business leaders have endorsed me.”
Governor Abbott says of his new Justice, ” “Mike Toth will defend the Constitution as written and not legislate from the bench. He has the right experience and qualifications and I’m confident he’ll serve on the court with distinction. I strongly endorse Mike Toth for Third Court of Appeals and urge Texans to vote for him.”