Mayor Dale Ross and Georgetown Police Chief Wayne Nero

Mark Gonzalez Sr. and Jr. have a unique perspective on the parade route.

Daniela (6) and mom Laura

East View Sparkler Kimberly Lopez

Williamson County Sheriff Robert Chody

1st place float sponsored by Georgetown ISD Transportation
The 38th annual Christmas Stroll officially kicked off Friday night (Nov 30) with a public screening of The Grinch, and continued with record-setting crowds during the traditional parade on Austin Avenue, Saturday morning. Sponsored by the Downtown Georgetown Association, the parade began, as always, with the Mayor and Police and Fire Chiefs, and finished with the real guest of honor (right). Events included live entertainment on two stages, and holiday shopping at more than 150 arts and crafts booths as well as downtown merchants; a Bistro Food Court, Santa’s Village, Everest Mountain Climb-N-Slide, street hockey, a children’s train, a Whoo hair salon, and a taste of the biblical Christmas story in Bethlehem Village.
Season of Giving
In the spirit of the season, hundreds of new, unwrapped toys were collected by Blue Santa Elves along the parade route, set for distribution to more than 1500 Georgetown children on December 15. Blue Santa is a program of the Georgetown Police Department to provide toys to children in need in Georgetown.
As well, the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office is collecting donations for the Brown Santa program. Funds collected are used to purchase toys, books and other items for low income or poverty-stricken families with children from infancy to age 17. They aim to make Christmas merrier and positively impact families. Eligible families live in Williamson County but outside city limits or are not eligible for other giving programs. Donations can be made directly to adopted families or through the Sheriff’s department, 508 S Rock Street in Georgetown or call 512-864-8215.