Austin Carolers perform
November 24, Georgetown celebrated the official start of the City’s holiday celebration.
Mayor Dale Ross had help from local children to pull the switch and light up Texas’ Most Beautiful Town Square.
Entertainment was provided by the Austin Carolers, also with help from more than 100 youngsters. The Austin Carolers joined forces in 1994, and have been performing year-round for many years, but most notably in Georgetown for this annual event.
At 6pm, Williamson County Treasurer Scott Heselmeyer and Georgetown Mayor Ross led the crowd in a “Santa!” chant to bring the big red man to the stairs.

The Zander, Marbibi and Noelle families await the flip of the switch
The mayor wished all a Merry Christmas before turning on a million-plus lights, supported by Georgetown Utility Systems. The recent growth of the holiday lighting project was spearheaded by a joint fundraising collaboration between city leaders and the Main Street Advisory Board. Downtown businesses continue to support these efforts through beautification and lighting additions of their own, and private contributions are always needed and welcomed to continue the expansion.
Santa took photos and accepted donations for needy kids throughout Georgetown and Williamson County for the Blue and Brown Santa programs respectively. (Wilcobrownsanta.com for Brown Santa or Bluesanta.georgetown.org for Blue Santa.) Both programs are still accepting toy donations. Look for donation barrels at the Courthouse and at All Things Kids on Main Street.
Patience paid off for Cindy and Arthur Reid and friend Cami. The group enjoyed a great vantage point on the Square for the big show. The Sanders have been arriving around 3pm on the big day to set up their viewing spot for the past three years and enjoyed refreshments and visiting throughout the day.