The Village of Salado, TX is hosting an across-town event June, 8th, 9th,& 10th, including tours of National & Texas Historical sites, a speech by Sam Houston from the balcony of the Stagecoach Inn, demonstrations, exhibits and entertainment. There will also be many vendors showing handmade and pioneer products.
Texas History Days in Salado is a project conceived by the residents of Salado, who want to explore the history of the town and Texas in general. The goal is to call attention to Salado’s historic past and share that story with as many visitors as they can bring to town.
Salado is one of the first towns to embrace the state’s new focus on history-based tourism and vacations and many of Salado’s non-profit organizations are planning unique exhibits.
Settled in 1860, Salado is famous for the Stagecoach Inn, the town’s location on a branch of the Chisholm Trail, and for being the site of the first co-educational college in Texas.
Many activities taking during the festival weekend will be perfect entertainment for all ages. There will be a western based rendition of Shakespeare’s play “A Mid Summer Night’s Dream” and classes on beginning and advanced genealogy. There will also be carriage rides, music, a bank robbery and antique tractor exhibit. A tour of Salado Antique stores will have exhibits of Salado & Texas History, costumed artists by the creek, chuck wagon food, cabin tours; a pioneer life style demonstration including quilters, gardeners, horseshoe competitions, storytellers, and so much more.
The festival will also try to find out who makes the best homemade ice cream in Bell County. The Salado Lion’s club is sponsoring a “Freeze Off” June 9th at the Salado Civic Center. The competition is to determine bragging rights for the best homemade ice cream. The competition is open to everyone but, please, no store-bought ice cream. Any flavor will be considered but the judge, meteorologist Andy Anderson from KCEN TV, is partial to vanilla or anything with pecans. To enter please email dswarthout1@centurylink.net. All ice cream entries will remain the property of the Salado Lions Club to sell as a fund raiser for the clubs charitable endeavors. The event begins at 11am until the ice cream runs out. Entries must be clearly marked with name and contact information and delivered to the Salado Civic Center between 9:30-10:30am, June 9th.
A few events will require an entry fee or ticket but most are offered free. For more information along with continuous updates on the event, visit TextasHistorySalado.com.
Planned Events
Texana Museum in the Carriage House. Imagine living in Antiquity – not just looking at “don’t touch” displays. Of course, we expect supervised play and responsible care of all items since many are delicate and rare. Linger and discover historic Texas artifacts, furniture, toys, tools, books, crafts, and kitchen aids. Gently use things that influenced the past – adding significantly to the quality of life and education the people of Salado enjoyed. June 8, 9am-5pm; June 9 & 10, 1-4:00pm www.baineshouse.com
Martha Everman Jones, Ph.D. – Genealogy Classes. Award-winning educator teaching a number of different Classes & Workshops from her repertoire.
The Native Prairies Association of Texas (NPAT) will exhibit and discuss a variety of display of native grasses and their influence on the history of Texas.
Nancy E. Turner, author of five historical/fiction novels including My Name Is Resolute with another soon to be released. Appearing in costume at the library and sharing excerpts from her books.
Treasure Tour – Salado Antique shops offer a rare educational opportunity to explore displays depicting historical time periods from Texas and Salado history. Gathered from collections and private warehouses. Some items can be purchased.
Tablerock Presents Shakespeare – A MidSummer Night’s Dream – in Cowboy Style Performed by McLennan College Theater Players, directed by Head of Theater Department, Kelley Parker during the Player’s Summer Camp at Tablerock.
The Austin Beer Museum. They have a dream that one-day, Austin will rise up and live out the true meaning of its beer. Held at Barrow Brewery
The Salado Masonic Lodge will host an open house in celebration of 150 continuous service to the Salado Community. The Lodge has a history closely connected to that of the Village and to the Salado College. (Photo attached)
Sam Houston (Mayor Skip Blancett) will present a speech on Anti-Secession from the Stagecoach balcony at 10am and Civic Center Gazebo at 3pm.
Evelyn Billington is scheduled to play cowgirl music in her 1890s cowgirl outfit Saturday, June 9th from noon till 2pm and Sunday, June 10th from 1-3pm.
Bell/Coryell Bee Club will display live bee hives, equipment and educational exhibits