Feeling blue over Precinct 1 returns
It’s no headline that Donald Trump orchestrated the biggest political upset since “Dewey Defeats Truman” to be the 45th President, but many Wilco results were noteworthy and just as surprising.
With one exception, every Republican candidate on the ballot in Williamson County was victorious.
In Precinct 1, Republican Landy Warren lost to Terry Cook; the first Democrat on the Commissioners’ Court since Jerry Mehevec left Precinct 4 in 1998. Cook is also the first woman Democrat to win the post.
Congressman John Carter was re-elected to his eighth term and Commissioner Valerie Covey (photo) will serve her third term, winning in a landslide over Anthony Rector. Running unopposed in the General Election and accepting early at the Republican watch party in Round Rock were District Attorney-elect Shawn Dick, Sheriff-elect Robert Chody, Texas Representative-elect Terry Wilson and Judges Donna King, Betsy Lambeth, Ryan Larson, and Laura Barker.
While much of the county maintained its strong Republican fervor, in Precinct One every Republican contested by a Democrat failed to earn more than 50 percent of the vote; including Mr. Trump, Congressman Carter and Representative Tony Dale.
Among the factors in this perceived flip is straight ticket voting. In this election, Democrats in Pct 1 took a 52.63% – 47.37% advantage in straight ticket voting; Mr. Trump received just 40.03 percent; nearly ten points lower than McCain in 2008, and almost 11 under Clinton in ’16.
In Pct. 1, Democrat Straight Ticket voting increased 53 percent over 2012 returns while the needle on Republican straight tickets scarcely moved, up 6.7 percent.
Democrats are pleased at what Commissioner-elect Terry Cook calls “promising times,” especially in the southern part of the county, while Republican insiders report renewed efforts to register new voters and focus against the trending blue in the upcoming 2018 cycle.