Rabbi Johnathan Dade, Melinda Dade, Michele Samuelson, Jeff E. Frazier II, Rep. Terry M. Wilson, Shannon Wilson, Michele Roberts, Dr. Kevin Roberts, Barbra Mabray, Don Mabray
The Williamson County Republican Party held its annual Ronald Reagan Gala February 5 at the Sheraton in Georgetown. The event is the largest fundraiser the party holds each year and, as always, was sold out.
Although exact numbers were not available at press time, Williamson County Party Chair Bill Fairbrother reported ticket sales and auction items garnered a significant increase over last year’s $75,000.
State Representative Larry Gonzalez received the John Carter Distinguished Service Award for his service and volunteer work on behalf of the county Republicans and the State of Texas.
The evening closed with a dramatic tribute to Ronald Reagan by Rafael Cruz, father of Senator Ted Cruz.
“Ronald Reagan wasn’t just a man of principle, he was an inspiration to us all. We need to revive passion for America. For eight years we had a president telling us that America was unexceptional. I’ll tell you America is the most exceptional country on the face of the Earth!…He was a man of deep faith. He did great things in the White House, including insisting that the USSR tear down this wall! And wouldn’t we all feel more comfortable about North Korea if Obama had not deconstructed Reagan’s Star Wars program. He had it right when he said ‘Peace through strength.'”

Event director Jennifer Stratton and husband, Eric
Note: Emcee, Amy Clark, noted in her closing that as of February 5, the Berlin Wall has now been torn down for more days than it stood.