Ross is the clear choice for Georgetown
by Mike Payne
As we approach the 2017 Mayoral election in Georgetown, it is appropriate to look back over the last three years; the result of this review of the administration of Mayor Dale Ross is that The Advocate whole-heartedly endorses him for a second term in the May 6, 2017 election.
Some might argue that Mr. Ross was simply “in the right place at the right time” during Georgetown’s current successes; but what good is that placement without the leadership skills required to move the city forward? Under his leadership, the City of Georgetown now has the lowest effective tax rate in central Texas. In addition, it has been identified as the second safest city in Texas, while being named the fastest growing city of its size in America.
You’ll find the indefatigable Mayor Ross present where any good thing is happening in the city, day or night, weekday or weekend. He is unwaveringly optimistic, and has been bold and visionary in terms of charting the course ahead for the city. During his first campaign, this Mayor said he would be “a leader for all of Georgetown.” Ross’ exemplary style of leadership doesn’t happen by accident. He heads up a renowned CPA firm in Georgetown, and has extensive previous corporate experience with a Fortune 500 company which required a complex set of financial skills.
Mayor’s Ross’ accomplishments in no way diminish the efforts of both the City Council, six of whom are endorsing him in his re-election bid, and the City Staff, but rather exemplify his ability to collaborate for the good of the entire city. Simply put, Mayor Dale Ross has guided Georgetown successfully through three of its fastest growing, and arguably, most historic, years in its 169-year history.
In contrast, it is difficult to assess opponent Sherwin Kahn, a resident of Georgetown since March 2013, as he has made few public statements about his platform and vision for Georgetown. To date, Mr. Kahn has eschewed public forums where he would have had an opportunity to share his views and debate Mayor Ross. This begs the question: Does a man who cannot defend his positions about the very issues he would face as a leader have the fortitude to lead the city of Georgetown?
Mr. Kahn’s Facebook page indicates a desire for “inclusiveness”, yet he disregarded a request to attend a Q & A forum held by Texans for Truth, and stirred up considerable enmity with the Messianic Jewish Congregation in Georgetown. His Facebook page also contains a short manifesto from a Canadian group entitled, Caledon Institute of Social Policy, which advocates strongly socialist positions “to share what we have.” Apparently, Georgetown already does that pretty well, recently having been named “4th Most Giving City of its Size in America”.
In the words of James Freeman Clarke, an American theologian and author, “A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman thinks of the next generation.” Such a man is the current Mayor of Georgetown, Dale Ross. The Advocate cannot imagine a better leader for the City of Georgetown for such a time as this.