The Angel Fountain Educational Endowment is preparing now for the 2019 “On Broadway” series at the East View High School Theater April 10-12.
This year’s cast includes the return of the voices and charms—straight from the stage—of Broadway superstars Raymond McLeod and Carter Calvert, but also, special guests are American Idol finalists-superstars Diana DeGarmo and Grammy-nominated Ace Young.

Founder Beth Baker says she is thrilled to have her good friends joined on stage with these fresh faces and talent.
The show is the finale and a major piece of the annual master class series provided by Angel Fountain to bring Broadway and international stars to Georgetown for the benefit of students in our fine arts programs. The master class is taught by McLeod and others—at no charge— to the students who wish to learn everything from audition prep to voice projection. This year the program has been expanded to include dance, musical theater and voice, musical theater comedy and improv, and stage combat.
Last year, Angel Fountain was able to provide scholarships for fine arts students in GISD and they are on track to repeat that this year as well.

Baker also extends congratulations to the winners of the district-wide student auditions. Pictured below with McLeod (center): Daniel Gonzalez, Avery Vickers, Chelsea Brandenberger, and Savannah Gonzalez.
On Broadway program is now in its fourth year and has continued to evolve as it learns where it can best benefit the Georgetown community and students at all grade levels.
See AngelFountain.org for more on these amazing talents and to purchase tickets.