Special Election Runoff
The City of Georgetown conducted a Special Election to Fill a Vacancy for a Council Member in District 1. The Council Members serve terms of three years. The person elected to District 1 will fill the remainder of the existing term that ends in May of 2021.
Because no one candidate received a majority of the votes cast for the position of Council member for District 1, the City of Georgetown, DISTRICT 1 Runoff Election Day will be held Tuesday, December 10, 2019, from 7am – 7 pm at the Williamson County Inner Loop Annex, located at 301 SE Inner Loop in Georgetown. This is for voters residing in the City of Georgetown Single-Member District 1. Please see our candidate questionnaire pages 1 and 5.
Early Voting Schedule
Williamson County Inner Loop Annex, at 301 SE Inner Loop
- Monday, December 2 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Tuesday, December 3 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Wednesday, December 4 7:00 am to 7:00 pm
- Thursday, December 5 7:00 am to 7:00 pm
- Friday, December 6 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Lighting of the Square on Nov. 29
Celebrate the holiday season at the annual Lighting of the Square event on the day after Thanksgiving, Friday, Nov. 29. The event will be held on the east steps of the historic Williamson County Courthouse, 710 S. Main St. The festivities include entertainment from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Mayor Dale Ross and Williamson County Judge Bill Gravell will flip the switch illuminating the courthouse lights and grounds, as well as the lights around the Square, at approximately 6 p.m. Stores will be open late.
Entertainment during the event will be provided by the Austin Carolers, and complimentary refreshments will be provided.
Swing by The Williamson Museum where children will be able to make a craft from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The museum is free and open to the public.
Toy donations the Georgetown Police Department Blue Santa and to Williamson County Brown Santa are encouraged. More information and applications are available bluesanta.georgetown.org for Blue Santa or at wilco.org/brownsanta for Brown Santa.
After the lighting, Williamson County Brown Santa will offer the option for visitors to take photos with Santa inside the courthouse from 6:30 to 8 p.m. for a donation of an unwrapped toy, wrapping paper or a monetary donation. Enter the courthouse on the south side on Eighth Street.
Free parking for the event can be found at Sixth and Main streets, Seventh and Rock streets, Austin Avenue and Fifth Street, Martin Luther King Jr. Street and Seventh and Eighth streets, and the parking garage located at Fourth and Rock streets.
The lights around the Square are supported by the City of Georgetown, and Williamson County provides the lights on the courthouse.
For details on holiday events and activities in Georgetown, call the Georgetown Convention & Visitors Bureau at (512) 930-3545, or visit VisitGeorgetown.com.
Shop Small Business Saturday and be a hero

Shoppers are invited to Shop Small with local merchants during the annual Small Business Saturday event on Saturday, Nov. 30.
This year’s theme is Be a Hero! Shop Small! Celebrate how you can be a hero to a small business, by shopping local this holiday season.
The day will kick off at 10 a.m. at the Georgetown Visitors Center, 103 W. Seventh St., where shoppers can pick up special Shop Small shopping bags, giveaways, and compete for prizes. Shoppers are encouraged to dress as superheroes and have fun while shopping small.
The annual Small Business Saturday event is sponsored by the Georgetown Main Street Program, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce, and the Downtown Georgetown Association.
Costco is Coming to Georgetown
There’s a Costco in the works for Georgetown. The location is the 34 acres at the northwest corner of Lake-way and IH-35, just south of the new Holt Caterpillar facility. This was discussed at the last Planning and Zoning meeting. “Costco upon approval will develop a member’s only retail warehouse with approximately ±157,931 SF along with an attached tire center and both a liquor sales pod and Optical Exam pod area. In addition, a free standing 24 fueling position fueling facility will be developed on the Project Site. The Costco warehouse and fuel facility would employ approximately 200 to 250 people both full and part time. Currently the proposed PUD site plan consists of the proposed Costco Warehouse parcel as well as seven (7) outlots, two detention areas and two new roadways.”
A Jolly Holiday
A Jolly Holiday 2019 is coming soon! The East View High School Choral Department presents A Jolly Holiday 2019, a Christmas production for the entire family. December 12, 13 at 7pm; Dec 14 at 3pm and 7pm, and Sunday at 3pm.
This show will get you in the holiday spirit and you won’t want to miss it. There will be singing, dancing, and holiday costumes galore. This year’s production includes traditional Christmas and holiday songs and a visit from Santa, Rudolph, The Grinch and Frosty the Snowman.
Pre-sale tickets may be purchased online at eastviewchoir.com, at the front reception of East View High School December 9-13 from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, or at the door for $5. Tickets usually sell out so purchase your tickets today!!!
One night. Three nonprofits. Thousands of children helped!
Three local non-profits are pooling their time, energy, and love for a collaborative fundraising project to benefit our local youth. The Georgetown Project, Williamson County Children’s Advocacy Center, and CASA of Williamson County have united to not only raise money for education, child advocacy, and even basic necessities like food and shelter, but also to produce a memorable event to highlight their programs which help ensure our kids have a solid foundation for success.
The Soiree: A Coming Together for Kids, presented by Don Hewlett Chevrolet Buick, will be held February 29 at the Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center. This year’s theme: Mardi Gras Masquerade – The Night You Unmask Your Generosity.
This fundraising event will feature dining, dancing, beads, street entertainers, a float parade and an opportunity to put on your best mask and gown, your shiniest shoes and your blingiest jewelry.
Every dollar raised benefits The Georgetown Project, CASA of Williamson County and the Williamson County Children’s Advocacy Center. Giving back just got a whole lot fancier.
“We are over the moon to be partnering with these incredible nonprofits to raise awareness and funds for our programming,” says Marissa Austin, CASA’s CEO. “All proceeds go back to supporting our organizations as they serve the most vulnerable children in our community. We hope our community will join us!”
“The Georgetown Project is excited and honored to partner with CASA and Children’s Advocacy Center in the 2019 Soiree event,” says Leslie Janca, CEO, “When we started The Soiree three years ago, we hoped to show that nonprofits can collaborate in fundraising as well as we do in providing youth services. The three organizations of the 2019 Soiree make a huge impact on children’s lives every day. A successful Soiree will help us do more.”
“Williamson county has shown time and again that it’s children are a priority,” says Kerrie Stannell, Williamson County Child Advocacy Center CEO, “ I am looking forward to Feb. 29th when our community will have the opportunity to show their generosity and commitment to the health, well-being, and safety of our children. Support from the Soiree and other events funds vital programs providing children from hard places with opportunities to not only survive but to flourish and reach for the stars.”
Sponsorships and seats are ALREADY selling, so the public is encouraged to reserve their spot today. For more information, visit www.soireewilcotx.org.