The Williamson Museum officially opened the Chisholm Trail house April 1 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the opening of the Trail. Museum Director Mickie Ross cut the ribbon to welcome dozens of visitors to the historic house in Round Rock. Visitors met and spoke with living history characters who helped shape Round Rock and Williamson County.
“The site is a place where people can see and hear what it was like to live on the trail and settle here in Round Rock in the 1870s,” Ross says. “We have games and activities for kids and a gift shop in the old post office next door.”
The museum will be open on Saturdays beginning in June and, depending on volunteer specialties, will include a chuckwagon, live music and live history demonstrations like spinning and lasso techniques.
The site was purchased with a down payment raised by the museum and its board, and with help from Texas Heritage Bank. Ms. Ross and the museum board are already back at work to raise funds to pay for the deed and keep the museum open for the enjoyment of the public for another 150 years.
“Today is a very special day for us and our demonstrations are just a taste of what is to come. Visiting is free and open to the public and we invite groups and students to visit to experience the authenticity of what it was like to settle here .”

Mickie Ross and Jack (7) at the entrance to the museum