Sheriff Robert Chody, Julia Gonzalez, Julie Sharifian
Meals on Wheels of Williamson & Burnet Counties celebrated March for Meals with a Champions event at the Madella Hilliard Center in Georgetown. Elected and community leaders were invited to champion the need for seniors to live independently and age in place by providing nutrition and well checks on a daily basis.
March for Meals brings visibility and awareness that seniors should not be forgotten. MOW of Williamson & Burnet Counties serves over 170,000 meals each year in five congregate centers and to home bound seniors.
Sheriff Robert Chody did a delivery ride-along with volunteers. “This is an opportunity to reach out and help our fellow community members. I have a mother and if she ever has that need, I love that my own community will be there to help her. I’m back for my second Champions Week; I’m inspired by the work they do; it does my heart good.”