Time to Trim the Baloney – Every citizen’s duty is to research and study election candidate information and separate exaggeration from fact. Necessity of performing this duty is strongly supported by Studying court records of County Court at Law 1. Contrary to other information being presented, County Court at Law 1 is not a children’s court. Court records are accessed at http://card.txcourts.gov/AdHocSearchNew.aspx and http://judicialrecords.wilco.org/default.aspc.
They reveal that 98 family/civil/probate cases, 80 child protective service cases (CPS) and 1,487 criminal cases were filed in CC#1 in the calendar year 2017.
Judge Suzanne Brooks currently presides over this court. Records reflect that during the past four years she received 419 family/civil/probate cases, 332 CPS cases and 7250 criminal cases. Percentage wise, 5.24 were family/civil/probate cases, 4.24 were CPS cases and 90.61 were criminal cases. This data shows County Court at Law 1 is not a children’s court. Family cases involve marriage dissolution, paternity and child custody, protection orders against domestic violence, name changes, guardianship, termination parental rights and adoptions, juvenile matters, and emancipation and approval of underage marriages.
Although many of the family cases involve children, they are a small percentage when the entire court docket is considered. A Judge of County Court at Law 1 needs to be well-versed in all types of law.
Robert Fears, Georgetown
I’m writing to endorse Warren Oliver Waterman for Judge in the County Court at Law #1. Without his work on a criminal case against my ex for Family Violence, I would never have been able to finalize my family law case in the manner that was in the best interest of my child. Mr. Waterman fought diligently to ensure my case was represented in the highest regard.
From the moment Mr. Waterman took over my case he exemplified his qualities of diplomacy, humility and justice. He was patient, thorough and clear in processing my case. He took time to get to know me, my family, and explain every step we were about to take. He fought for me and my family’s well-being like it was a personal mission—he made me feel like I was a person that mattered; not just another case.
Placing Mr. Waterman in the position of Judge would give Williamson County a representative who truly wants the best for us and who is balanced in his duties to the state and to the people. Mr. Waterman would bring a sense of honor and personable touch to the bench I think is needed in our courtrooms. He is fair in his judgments, diligent in his research and deliberate in his approach.
Elizabeth (Liz) Keebler, Hutto