Evelyn McLean is my choice for Justice of the Peace, Pct 3. She has a lifetime of experience, the kind of experience that has those words right in the name—a Peace Officer working every day to ensure Justice. Every day in the police department she worked through exactly the kind of cases she will adjudicate as JP so I know she has a deep understanding of the circumstances that precipitate a citizen’s appearance at her bench. From speeding tickets to landlord disputes, there is nothing she hasn’t already seen or resolved from a code or an enforcement point of view. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor once said she wanted people to know that “their life experiences added value to the process.” I believe in this case, life experience is a great deal of the process and I encourage all voters to check candidates’ experience before going to the polls.
Devon Bush, Georgetown
I strongly endorse the candidacy of Evelyn McLean for Justice of Peace, Williamson County Precinct 3. The citizens of Precinct 3 will surely benefit from her integrity, her personal values, and her professional background. Working as a police officer and in leadership gave her the experience she will need to manage a large and important office of the County. She is also active in her church and a very engaged mother and grandmother; life experience I believe gives her the kind of compassion and understanding to apply the laws of our state fairly. I am also confident that her principled approach to her duties will bring transparency, ethics and continue the legacy of respect for this office.
Laura Stofle, Jarrell