Kasey Smith is the founder of ReJOYce Ministries, a local Christian ministry devoted to prayer. Smith herself is a prayer warrior; but, like many who walk strongly in their faith, she is not immune to a “dark night” that poses questions about what more she could do.
Smith says her mission started a few years ago when she was seeking and struggling to maintain a regular “quiet time” with God. “I wish I could say I have always made prayer a priority and that not a day has gone by I have not spoken to God; but that is not the case. In fact, this ministry was started by my own conviction that I needed to pray more, and with more appreciation for its effectiveness.
“The inspiration came one day when I was reading the story of Daniel—a story I thought I knew well. The Bible says King Darius signed a decree that anyone who prayed to anyone or anything but him for the next 30 days would be thrown into the lions’ den. Daniel broke the King’s decree, knowing he would perish in the lions’ den. God heard his prayers, and King Darius witnessed the saving power of Daniel’s God when He shut the mouths of the lions and spared Daniel’s life. Daniel’s commitment to prayer in all circumstances became a testimony to the King and to the whole nation.”
Saddened by her own lack of commitment to prayer, Smith realized prayer is a currency that is quickly losing value. “It is so much more than a check on a to-do list. If it had the power to literally shut the mouths of lions and change the mind of a king, I need to do my part to revive prayer.”
What transpired for her over the next two years has become a growing movement, and produced a transformational gift she hopes will touch and be of help to the entire nation and, possibly, the world.
To help others experience the impact of prayer, both given and received, Kasey created and published The 30 Day Gift. Her book is, empirically, a handwritten journal filled with prayers and given away, or rather, gifted away.
Using The 30 Day Gift is simple, yet profound. The giver commits to pray for a specific person or circumstance for 30 days (as Daniel did) and record those prayers in the journal. When complete, the journal is given as a tangible gift of prayer to the person or people for whom the prayers were offered. “Whether it’s deep and reflective or simple bullet points; scribble or calligraphy; there is no right or wrong way to pray; simply talking to God is enough. The power is that you are seeking God on behalf of someone else,” explains Smith.
Kasey created five versions of The 30 Day Gift and believes the journals can cover just about anyone or anything in prayer.
Recall all those times you’ve said, “I’ll keep you in my prayers” for someone’s strength, health, struggle, celebration or encouragement. The 30 Day Gift is a personal and tangible way to keep that promise ~ a gift that can unleash the power of Heaven to change lives.
Some milestones and occasions perfect for such a gift:
Faith and Encouragement is good for anyone needing support and encouragement. Kasey points out pastors and spiritual leaders always appreciate prayer; or new believers would be touched by this kind of support in their new walk.
Health and Healing is ideal for someone dealing with illness or a diagnosis, recovery, treatment, depression, or providing care for another person.
Marriage makes a great gift for a bridal shower, newlyweds, couples who need encouragement, or a great anniversary gift. Kasey’s husband, Sam, got a working copy of the Marriage journal from their publisher last Christmas and brought her to tears with his completed 30 Day Gift.
Motherhood means so many things and prayers might be welcome at a baby shower, for post partum challenges, first day of school, or empty nest.
Smith is particularly excited about her fifth journal, Patriotism and Public Service. As the spouse of a law enforcement officer, she designed this book to honor and support law enforcement, first responders, military and government officials. “Our nation is in desperate need of more people lifting up those who serve us, and more words being spoken to Almighty God on their behalf.”
She also wants to challenge our readers, and prayer warriors everywhere, to cover our leaders in prayer, locally and across the country. “I have a vision that families or entire churches will complete journals and send boxes of prayers to the White House. Our capitol seems to be flooded with complaints and bad news; imagine how wonderful it would be if we added a flood of prayers to the hopes of our entire nation!” Proof positive, Kasey recently finished her own The 30 Day Gift for President Trump, and it is en route to Washington, DC right now.
When she is not in thoughtful prayer, Smith is a very busy mother of two, a Licensed Professional Counselor, and public speaker. She has spoken to hundreds of eager Christians at churches and conferences around Texas who want to invigorate their prayer lives.
“I am encouraged to think about the impact this might have. We are so self-reliant these days and I know most wouldn’t walk into trouble, much less risk their lives, for the sake of prayer. But I hope I can help bring back the message that prayer is a gift given to us by God, and your words hold the power to transform lives, activate miracles, strengthen souls, offer hope, and wrap someone else in God’s love.”
Kasey also has a website (The30dayGift.com) with a blog, speaking dates and a page to share testimonies or ask for prayers. Greta from Georgetown posted, “For a long time I have had difficulty talking to God or even getting through a meditative moment without distraction. I purchased The 30 Day Gift for a special person with a specific need and Kasey is right. Praying changes the person praying just as much. Being able to write it down helps me to focus and I have felt a new kind of joy when I see the person I’m praying for. Perhaps God is giving me new eyes.”
The 30 Day Gift prayer journals are available at The30DayGift.com; you can also connect with Kasey on Facebook.com/the30daygift.