HomeEditorialCongressman John CarterJohn Carter: A New Horizon for American Prosperity

John Carter: A New Horizon for American Prosperity

Early this week, I was honored to be sworn in as a member of the 115th Congress.  Representing Central Texas and bringing common-sense conservative values to the nation’s Capitol remains one of the great privileges of my life.  I’m proud of what I’ve been able to do on your behalf and am excited about what’s in store, especially as a Republican President will be sworn in soon.

Over the past few years my colleagues and I have been able to make great strides in rebuilding our military, focusing on readiness, and providing for an increase in pay for our soldiers. Through my work to ensure Fort Hood remains the premier military installation in the world, we have secured the money to upgrade barracks at The Great Place, funding to renovate the 1st Cavalry headquarters, and funding for the Darnall Hospital.  Additionally, with the inclusion of my Resist Executive Amnesty on Defense Installations Act (READI Act) in the FY17 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), we have ensured no illegal immigrant minors will be allowed to be housed on military installations.

I have a supported an investigation into the Veterans Administration, to ensure our Veterans are being treated in the manner they deserve, and earned. Congress expanded training opportunities for our first responders by including life-saving active shooter training by passing my POLICE Act. And after a long, hard fight, I was able to secure Purple Hearts for the victims of the 2009 attack at Fort Hood.

As we look forward, even with some great successes this past Congress, there is more to be done.  House Republicans have a bold agenda that will put our country on a path to prosperity and increased economic growth, while tackling some of our biggest challenges: healthcare reform and stimulating the economy.

Action has already begun. We are looking at repealing Obamacare and replacing it with market-based solutions that will ensure more affordable healthcare for all Americans. The Republican plan encourages free marketplace innovation to personalize and lower the costs of insurance coverage as well as provide individuals and families the freedom of choice to decide which policy best fits their needs with no new mandates. I’m proud to support common-sense reforms that assist people in getting the care they deserve.

House Republicans, through our Better Way agenda, have initiatives for reforming our tax code, boosting our national security, strengthening our border security, tackling poverty, and improving our economy, by implementing smart, reasonable regulations, and providing an environment for our businesses and production to grow. Our policies will bring our economy back to a growth rate near 4 percent, instead of the stagnant less than 2 percent we have seen for the better part of the past decade.

This is a bold agenda, an agenda that the House will be able to undertake, but only with the cooperation of the Senate, and the President. Republicans have a strong majority in the House, but are limited to only a two member majority in the Senate. Under Senate rules, a simple majority is not enough to pass most legislation, and any Senator can filibuster a bill. The Senate will continue to have to bring Democrats to their side in order to pass some of our most important legislation. Communication will be key, and finding common ground will be imperative to our success.

While my colleagues and I have had a number of successes the past two years even with President Obama in the White House, with President-elect Trump being sworn in later this month, we expect we can do even more for the American people. Our initiatives are bold, we will be strategic, and we at all times have the best interest of our great nation in mind. I look forward to this new horizon as we move through our Better Way agenda and put us back on a path to prosperity that Texas deserves.

Rep. Carter represents Texas District 31, which includes Fort Hood, the largest active duty armored military installation in the free world. He serves as Chairman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Appropriations, co-chairman of the House Army Caucus, is on the Subcommittee for Commerce, Justice and Science and the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee.

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