Aerial view of a portion of current construction in Jarrell.
Jarrell ISD announced November 4 that district enrollment has reached 1505 students; a 50 percent increase over the past five years. Superintendent Dr. Bill Chapman reports current projections show there is no sign that the growth rate is slowing.
According to a report provided by Templeton Demographics, Jarrell is growing so quickly, the inventory of available homes is not even keeping up. Data indicates more families are moving to the Jarrell area for the reasonable cost of living, while working elsewhere in Williamson or Travis Counties.
Jarrell added 70 students this year alone, and Dr. Chapman expects to reach at least 100. “While we can predict growth, there’s no way to tell which grades they will be in. In any case, we are blessed to live in a location that is attractive to prospective teachers and we are adding new positions,1st and 2nd grades.”
If the housing growth remains constant, and with three active subdivisions right now, JISD can expect an increase of approximately 950 students during the next five years and enrollment will grow by another two-thirds by 2021.
Chapman explains that tax base revenues generally lag population growth by about two years and the district is constantly evaluating additional courses and programs at all grade levels. Right now, the Facilities Committee is discussing a bond issue in Spring 2017 to provide more space. “Every building has a life span and if we do not expand, we project we will be out of room in the 2019 school year. Our senior class is the only one with fewer than 100 students, and in keeping with all of Central Texas, our growth shows no signs of slowing.”
The Demographic study is available for public view at JarrellISD.org