More than 300 community members gathered Aug. 10 to celebrate the opening of Jarrell ISD’s second Pre-K-5th elementary school.
Principal Jack Wilson welcomed everyone to the event. Dr. Bill Chapman, JISD Superintendent, recognized dignitaries, including family and friends of the Igo Family.
On May 27, 1997, an F5 tornado struck the Jarrell community. All five members of the Igo family (Larry, Joan, Audrey, Paul and John) were among those the community lost.
At the school’s grand opening, Larry Igo’s sister, Linda Igo Cobb, shared remarks on behalf of the family, and the San Gabriel Masonic Lodge #89 performed a Keystone Ceremony.
The event concluded with a ribbon cutting hosted by the Jarrell Chamber of Commerce.
The ceremony was scheduled for July but district officials allowed contractors to put the finishing touches on the school to ensure everything would be ready for the first day of school.
“We are turning a page in our district’s history by adding a second elementary campus,” said Chapman. “It is fitting that the new campus be named Igo Elementary because they were a joyous family. This campus will be a happy place of learning for generations.”
In 1997, all K-12 grades were housed in a single building. Now, with more than 2,000 students, the district has five campuses.