HomeNewsBusinessHewlett Supports Rotary of Georgetown

Hewlett Supports Rotary of Georgetown

At a recent Rotary Club meeting, Don Hewlett Chevrolet Buick presented the Club with a check for $25,000 to support programming that will in turn raise even more money to support the community of Georgetown. Don Ross Hewlett said, “If we are going to do something, we are going to do it BIG…and we are excited to support and be part of the Rotary Club of Georgetown in this big way.”

The generous gift will support the upcoming Benefit Gala “The Spy Who Lived Rotary” on Friday, March 31 at the Sun City Ballroom and this Fall’s exciting new event, “Field of Honor”; details to come.

“Every morning I wake up an feel blessed to be in Georgetown, Texas,” says Don Hewlett, Sr., “It is a blessing to give to a community that is so wonderful.”

For more information about the Rotary Club of Georgetown and its events, visit GeorgetownRotary.org.

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