As Mayor, I receive hundreds of e mails. Once in a while I receive one that is so unique and rare in its emotions that I believe it should be shared with our citizens. Why? Because it reflects what I hear so many times on a daily basis as I am out and about engaging in the business of running the fastest growing city of its size in America. I sincerely hope this poem by new resident Donna Mainor touches you the way it has me.
Mayor Dale Ross
By Donna Mainor
All things in this universe were created by God—all things small or great;
Including a town that’s a little piece of heaven , within the Lone Star State.
There’s a place called Georgetown, Texas, a fine place for families;
A clean and wholesome tranquil town, where you feel a sense of peace.
A feeling, a strong bond of community is what you receive there;
Neighbors helping neighbors, people who really care.
Beautiful l surroundings, beautiful and picturesque scenery all around;
God’s fingerprints are evident everywhere in this place in Texas, called Georgetown.
A bond, a sense of community with so much value and so much worth;
There’s a place called Georgetown, Texas—a little piece of Heaven here on earth.