A Blue Birthday
The Georgetown Police Department continues to set the standard in community outreach. Georgetown officers make a consistent effort to support and demonstrate trust with kids and Captain Evelyn McLean volunteered to provide a very special and unique experience for 8-year-old Jack’s birthday party. Sgt. Dale Duncan gave Jack and his friends a full tour of the Safety Center, let them climb around the cruiser and even try on his handcuffs. Their only disappointment was that the jail cells had glass walls instead of the bars like the ones on TV and in the movies. Jack received a special gift “Blue” to celebrate his big day and parents report the kids are still talking about their special visit.
Good Friday Service
Assistant Police Chief Roland Waits and firefighters Roland Azua and Jonathan Gilliam manned the drive-thrus at the Austin Avenue McDonald’s March 30.
On Good Friday, McDonald’s restaurants throughout Central Texas partner with The 100 Club of Central Texas to give a portion of their sales to support all of the area’s first responders. McDonald’s has been a partner of The 100 Club of Central Texas for several years. Each year the event raises approximately $14,000 for Central Texas first responders.
Volunteers and first responders visit as many area McDonald’s locations as possible to help raise funds. The money raised on Good Friday allows The 100 Club to be the first response for first responders.
The Club provides financial assistance and support for families of first responders who are critically injured or killed in the line of duty. Support includes immediate assistance and scholarships. They serve peace officers, firefighters and EMTs in Bastrop, Bell, Caldwell, Hays, Travis and Williamson
Counties. They also provide memorials for K-9 animals that die on or after active duty and help with funds for cremation and services with full honors. The Georgetown crews worked the lunch crowd from 11am-2pm and agree that fighting fires and bad guys is probably easier than the lunch rush. With new respect for the challenges of retail food service, all were pleased to meet customers taking a break from the Spring weather on what was a holiday for most. To donate to the 100 Club or join, visit www.100ClubCenTex.com