Anna Eby
How long have you lived in Georgetown? What do you love about it?
I have lived in Georgetown 17 years. I love Georgetown’s distinctive character and feel, as well as its natural beauty. I love that, despite the growth, Georgetown is still a place where you know your neighbors and where you run into your friends around town.
Please describe the background and education you believe qualifies you for this position.
I have an undergraduate degree from Southwestern University, where I learned how to think critically and consider varying points of view. I received a law degree from Baylor Law School, where I learned how to read, analyze, and understand vast amounts of information in short periods of time, think on my feet, and stay cool under pressure. I have put these skills to work as a trial attorney for the last 10 years and as a law firm owner the last 3 years. These skills are all important qualifications for serving on City Council, as are collaboration, independent thinking, open-mindedness, and most, importantly, the ability to listen.
Have you served on or participated in any other offices, boards, commissions or non-profit organizations?
I currently serve on the Animal Shelter Advisory Board, the South Georgetown TIRZ, and the Clean Air Coalition Committee of the Capital Area Council of Governments. I have previously served on the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation and as the chair of the Historic and Architectural Review Commission. I am a co-founder of two nonprofits, one of which rescues animals in need and one that provides disaster relief to Texas families.
What do you believe City Council is doing well, or could be improved? What plans do you have to continue or correct these?
I believe City Council has done well at consistently lowering the tax rate, approving good budgets, and focusing on key issues, like managing growth responsibly. We need to continue to develop and consistently implement policies relating to growth and development, as well as continue to focus on ways we can innovate and think “outside the box” to address the opportunities and challenges we face. I believe we also need to increase our awareness of the less fortunate in Georgetown, and focus on how we can more effectively provide services and partner with other entities to address unmet needs, such as affordable housing and viable transportation options. I plan to prioritize and focus on those issues, in addition to pushing for the reinstatement of our ethics ordinance and Ethics Commission.
Mary Calixtro
How long have you lived in Georgetown? What do you love about it?
I was born and raised in Georgetown. I love that I can still name families, remember landmarks that once were, and sitting and talking on the square at 10pm with my kids.
Please describe the background and education you believe qualifies you for this position.
I graduated from Georgetown High School; married and raised six kids. In all those years I have been working and helping people in my community, volunteering at church and different organizations. Five of our children graduated from GHS and the youngest graduated in the inaugural class of East View High school. I also provided professional support for my husband to help run his business.
Have you served on or participated in any other offices, boards, commissions or non-profit organizations?
For five years, I served as a First Responder while working at Tellabs. I was the Coordinator of Hispanic Parents in Action for two years and on the Board of Directors of Getsemani for 18 years. I have been the Hispanic Ministry Coordinator at St. Helen’s Catholic Church for eight years and five years on the Neighborhood Conference Committee (Truancy Program). I participated in the GISD District Performance Council for one year, also the Servicios Bilingues for one year and last year I co-founded the Southeast Georgetown Community Council.
What do you believe City Council is doing well, or could be improved? What plans do you have to continue or correct these?
I believe Council could improve outreach to community leaders. I plan to be accessible as much as possible and be intentional in scheduling outreach to the community.