Early in-person voting continues until October 26 and Oct. 28-Nov. 1. During the early voting period, voters may cast ballots at any early voting location in Williamson County. Polling places, dates, and times, as well as voter ID requirements and sample ballots can be found at wilco.org/elections.
For voters in the City of Georgetown, the Nov. 5 ballot includes the Williamson County Proposition A bond for road projects and Proposition B bond for parks and recreation projects. The road projects in Proposition A include these projects in Georgetown:
• Southwest Bypass extension from Hwy. 29 to Wolf Ranch Parkway would construct a roadway and include intersection improvements at Hwy. 29.
• SE Inner Loop extension from Hwy. 29 to Sam Houston Avenue would construct a roadway with a bridge over SH 130.
• Four projects in Sun City include:
1) CR 245 from north of RM 2338 to Ronald Reagan Boulevard involving reconstructing and widening to four lanes,
2) Ronald Reagan at Silver Spur Boulevard turn lanes involving constructing intersection improvements,
3) Ronald Reagan at Sun City Boulevard turn lanes involving construction of intersection improvements, and,
4) Hwy. 195 northbound off ramp at Ronald Reagan involving construction of exit ramp.
Voters in Georgetown’s City Council District 1 can cast ballots to determine who will fill the vacancy created when Anna Eby resigned from the council on Aug. 2. The winner of the election will complete the remainder of the term ending in May 2021. Candidates running for District 1 include Mary Calixtro, Alex Fuller and Stevie Nicole Jones.
Georgetown City Council members typically serve three-year terms representing one of seven single-member districts. To see maps of council districts, go to maps.georgetown.org/council-district-maps.
On Election Day on Nov. 5, voters may cast ballots at any vote center location in Williamson County. Polling places, dates, and times during Early Voting and on Election Day are listed at wilco.org/elections.