On Saturday, about an hour after Bill Gravell announced he would be on the ballot for County Judge, conservative Republican and long-time Law Enforcement professional Deanna Lewis launched her campaign for Justice of the Peace for Pct. 3 in the March 6, 2018 Republican Primary; a hopeful for Judge Gravell’s current seat.
“We have a long-standing tradition of excellence when it comes to Justices of the Peace in Pct. 3,” Lewis said. “Pct. 3 not only expects but demands a Judge who has the experience to administer justice fairly, while treating everyone who appears in the courtroom in an unbiased manner.”
Lewis went on to say, “It would be detrimental—not only to the citizens of this county, but also the justice system—if this important bench were to fall into the hands of an inexperienced person with no knowledge of this office holding a preconceived radical mindset of legislating from the bench. I have the experience, leadership, temperament and conservative values to carry on the tradition of excellence in the position. That is why I am running for Justice of the Peace, Pct. 3.”
Lewis brings a wealth of knowledge and law enforcement experience to the people of Pct. 3. She began her career in Williamson County more than 20 years ago. Lewis was hired as a communications officer for the Sheriff’s office in 1997, transferred to the law enforcement division as a Deputy Sheriff, and later promoted to Detective in the Criminal Investigations Division. She was again promoted to the Office of Professional Standards where she currently serves as a Sergeant Investigator.
Lewis attended South Plains College in Levelland, Texas, later transferring to Austin Community College where she majored in Criminal Justice.
Lewis concluded, “I understand the decisions I will make from the bench in a JP court have far-reaching consequences. I will work hard for the people of Pct. 3 and will remain consistent and fair in the civil and criminal cases brought before me. I look forward to serving you and ask for your support and vote in the 2018 Republican Primary.”