Jarrell Announces New Police Chief
On June 6, the City of Jarrell announced the selection of Marc Owens as its new Police Chief. Owens will begin in his official capacity on June 18, 2018.
Owens has served the Grand Prairie Police Department for over 25 years in numerous capacities from Police Officer to Lieutenant over Field Operations; most recently as Lieutenant-Property Crimes, Auto Theft, C.I.U., Training and Case Processing.
Owens holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Texas at Arlington, and a Masters Peace Officer’s License from the State of Texas.
GISD to Build Secure Entrances
School is just out for the summer but the Board of Trustees is working to ensure that security measures are improved at all campuses when students return in the fall.
The Board approved a contract to build secured entrances at East View and Georgetown high schools this summer. Secured entrances serve as a single point of entry for visitors to sign in and provide identification before being granted access to the building.
“We have been working to renovate entrances at all of our campuses to limit how and where visitors can gain access to our schools,” Scott Stribling, GISD board president said. “Securing our high schools this summer accelerates our plan to fortify all campuses. It’s critical that we act now to prepare them for the fall.”
The contract was awarded to Braun & Butler Construction for $430,000 and is being funded with reserves from the 2015 bond. The company is also working to build secured entrances this summer at two middle schools and the GHS Annex. Upon completion of this project, every campus will be outfitted with secure entrances.