County Offices Holiday Hours
Williamson County offices will be closed for the Christmas holiday on December 23 and 26, 2016, as well as on December 30, 2016, for the New Year’s holiday. The Commissioners Court will not meet on December 27, 2016, or January 3, 2017. The first regularly scheduled meeting of 2017 will be on Tuesday, January 10, beginning at 9:30 a.m.
The Office of Precinct 1 Justice of the Peace Dain Johnson will be closed from December 23, 2016, through January 1, 2017. The office will resume normal hours on Monday, January 2, 2017. The Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter, 1855 S.E. Inner Loop in Georgetown, will be open Christmas Eve from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., closed on Christmas Day, and will be open New Year’s Eve 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will be closed New Year’s Day.
Bring your pets indoors
With an arctic front bearing down on Texas, the Georgetown Animal Shelter wants to remind everyone to take care of their animals this winter.
The best thing to do is to keep pets indoors during bad weather. In addition to cold temperatures, the wind chill is dangerous, and pets can suffer hypothermia and frostbite.
For dogs and cats that are left outside all the time, make sure to provide a dry, draft-free shelter that is small enough to hold body heat and large enough for them to lie down. The shelter should have supplemental bedding or auxiliary heat and protection from wind and rain.
If you notice a pet in the city limits of Georgetown that is not being properly sheltered, you can report the details to animal control by calling the police dispatcher at 512-930-3510, ext. 6. (Outside the city limits, contact Williamson County Animal Control.)
For questions, contact the Georgetown Animal Shelter at 512-930-3592 or [email protected]. The shelter is located at 110 WL Walden Dr. in Georgetown, and their web address is pets.georgetown.org.
100 Year Artifact Donations
Georgetown ISD is excited to celebrate our 100th Anniversary as an Independent School District in February of 2017. We would love to showcase our history by collecting big or small artifact donations from the past 100 years. We are asking the community to help us locate some great items from our history. If you or someone you know would like to share a piece of our past with us, please visit the donation form at GeorgetownISD.org
G’town Youth Advisory
The Georgetown Youth Advisory Board is an official City of Georgetown board whose members advise City Council on youth issues and serves as a formal channel for youth in Georgetown to become active in their community. Board members have an official voice in shaping the quality of life here. Students in 8th-12th grades interested in being considered for the Advisory Board must submit an application. Applications are available online or at the Rec Center, the Georgetown Public Library, and other locations. The application deadline is Jan. 6.
The Youth Advisory Board is made up of nine members from the 8th – 12th grades. Requirements to serve on the Board are: any youth currently in eighth through twelfth grade who is attending any school and lives within the ISD boundaries.
Visit Government.georgetown.org/ or contact Arica Keilers at [email protected] or 512-931-2744.