HomeNewsBusinessCity Desk: August 11, 2016

City Desk: August 11, 2016

Public Hearing Notice

There will be a public hearing at 6pm on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at the City Council Chambers, located at 101 East 7th Street, Georgetown, to receive public comment on the FY2017 Budget. The proposed FY2017 budget is available for public review in the City Secretary’s office, located at 113 East 8th Street; and on the City’s public website.

Proposed Annual Budget for October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017 as filed with the City Secretary on July 22, 2016. This budget will raise more total property taxes than last year’s budget by an amount of $1,938,302, which is an 8.60% increase from last year’s budget. The property tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax rolls is $817,580. Debt obligations for the City of Georgetown secured by property taxes: $124,723,537. First reading of both the property tax and budget ordinances is scheduled for August 23 at 6pm at City Council Chambers, 101 E 7th St, Georgetown.

Outdoor Burn Ban

A burn ban was issued by the Williamson County Commissioners Court on July 28. The ban on outdoor burning in unincorporated areas of the County is in effect for up to 30 days. The County Judge may lift the burn ban during this time if conditions improve.

The burn ban prohibits burning combustible material outside of an enclosure which serves to contain all flames and/or sparks. The burning of household yard waste, such as leaves, grass, brush and other yard trimmings, is prohibited. Burning to clear land of trees, stumps, shrubbery, or other natural vegetation also is prohibited.

The burn ban may be enforced by any commissioned peace officer.

Outdoor burning is not allowed at any time within the city limits of Georgetown, unless the Georgetown Fire Department has issued a permit authorizing an outdoor burn. However, these permits do not supersede an outdoor burn ban order enacted by the Williamson County Commissioners Court.

Route 29 Improvements

Williamson County is moving forward with the planned improvements to Route 29 at D.B. Wood Road in accordance with the road bond approved by voters in the 2016 special election. The changes to and realignment of the intersection will provide more efficient and safer access to drivers trying to get onto Route 29 from the north and to alleviate the backup on Rt 29 west to get onto D.B. Wood north. Currently, the design work is in progress, as is engineering planning, and construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2017. There is no final plan yet but it is anticipated that the final design will include right turn lanes on Route 29 to D.B. Wood.

Another local project underway by the County is safety improvements at the intersection of Ronald Reagan and Williams Drive. Precinct 3 Commissioner Valerie Covey’s office reports they are working with TX-DOT to have improved STOP signs at that intersection as well as painted warnings on the ground to alert drivers of the approaching intersection.

Animal Shelter Seeks Garage Sale Vendors

For its 17th annual garage sale, the City of Georgetown Animal Shelter is doing things a little differently – hosting spots for other people to sell their treasures.

“Instead of taking donated items and selling them ourselves in the garage sale, we will be offering spots to people who want to sell their own items,” shelter manager Jackie Carey says. “We were struggling to find a place to store donated goods for the two months leading up to the garage sale, so we had to come up with an alternate plan.”

Vendors will set up their spots on Thurs, Sept 22, the day preceding the sale.

Sign up to be a vendor and read more details at www.friendsofgtownshelter.org. Reservations must be finalized by Sept 8.

“I think it will be attractive to people to have a guaranteed spot in a secure, air-conditioned location, and benefit from the name recognition of the shelter’s garage sale,” Carey says.

The garage sale, a benefit organized by the Friends of the Georgetown Animal Shelter, will be held Friday and Saturday, September 23 and 24, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., in the Community Center in San Gabriel Park.  All proceeds benefit animals at the Georgetown Animal Shelter.

Contact the Animal Shelter by phone at (512) 930-3592 or by email at animalsvc@georgetown.org. The Georgetown Animal Shelter website is pets.georgetown.org. The City of Georgetown Animal Shelter is located at 110 W.L. Walden Drive near the McMaster Athletic Complex.

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