It hardly seems necessary to introduce Carolyn Holloway to our readers since one of the reasons Fidelis Publishing Group selected her as Citizen of the Year is because she is busy with or involved in most of what goes on in town. Even as we sat down to talk about her work for the community, she was preparing for Sun City Square Dancers later that same evening. Just for fun.
Holloway is being recognized for her constant and tireless efforts on behalf of the City of Georgetown in general and specifically, for her, the needs of and benefits for children.
“Oh, I can’t pick just one,” she says when asked about her favorite non-profit. “But it is hard to put into words what the Palace Theatre does for children in this community.” Holloway has been a member and supporter of the theatre since she moved to Georgetown in 2001. She helped create and has nurtured the children’s education programs, which are growing in number, quality and reputation every year.
“I’ve been involved in theater since the 1960s and I saw the benefit of giving children self-confidence through this outlet for creativity. The Palace is very inclusive and they work so well as a team.”
Prior to moving to Sun City, she was involved in the oldest continuous children’s theater in Dallas. “When I moved here and saw that we had a repertoire theatre, I just knew I had to introduce the Palace folks to friends in Dallas and we started the children’s program here. The Dallas theatre has a national reputation and I wanted to see Georgetown enjoying that same kind of opportunity. Seeing the transformation of children, typical and challenged, on a stage makes my heart full.”
She has worked tirelessly to support, fund and market the Palace Children Education Center, and her goal for this year is to make sure the City has everything it needs to break ground for construction.
City Councilman John Hesser says her vigorous fundraising efforts are well-known. “She is resolute about raising money for non-profits of all kinds, and I have always known her to be a wonderful and ‘go-to’ person, no matter the need.”
Carolyn also co-founded and manages the Graham Holloway Family Foundation, named for her late husband, in the late 90s. The foundation vets and supports non-profits that are small and sometimes overlooked. “We focus on issues for health and children; little specific requests that no one else may be able to take care of. In 2015, we donated about $300,000 for AIDS research, autism, cancer care, Alzheimer’s, community ministries and, of course, junior players.”
Outside of her own foundation she is a member of Georgetown’s giving group Seeds of Strength, which provides funding to small non-profits based on need. “I love it because the money stays right here in Georgetown and our $1000 memberships are exponentially spread around to so many people and really make a difference.”
She is also a tenacious supporter and member of Rotary of Sun City. Named “Rotarian of the Year” in 2014, she continues to work for Rotary concerns; polio, homelessness and hunger. “One of my favorites is our breakfast with Santa. This year the fireman fixed more than 1000 meals; that’s not just hungry people but also funds to provide gifts and sundries for needy families in Georgetown. This year we were fortunate to work with Kohl’s and we got to see the faces of the parents who were able to give their children a real Christmas. That’s what it is all about.”
She is also a major player in the Rotary Early Act First Knight program in Jarrell and Georgetown ISDs. “I love being a part of enabling young people to gain the feeling of self-worth for having moral character and positive attributes over grades and academic accomplishment. It is critical that we reward children who not only get good grades but show compassion and empathy.
“I also love the history and chivalry. Children love to be a part of something magic and watching their faces when their parents come out to take photos with a real knight and their medals, it is magical.”
She is also a supporter and donor of the Georgetown Heritage Society and the Williamson museum. “I love their many programs for children and Hands on History. We must preserve and keep our history alive! “
The museum’s Executive Director Mickie Ross says, “Carolyn shamelessly promotes all things Georgetown and brings her friends to every event she can. She is truly involved, with her time and her treasures, works to share the good things happening, and supports all she can. Her involvement with the museum has made a huge difference for the community and we are honored to have her as a part of all we do. Georgetown is a much better place to live because of her tireless work for this community.
She is also on the Board of Visitors for Southwestern University. She promotes the university within and outside of Georgetown because, she says, “Connecting businesses helps involve the students in the community and vice versa.”
University President Dr. Edward Burger eloquently reflected on her service; “Carolyn is a very special, beloved, valued, and inspiring leader in our community. Thus, I am delighted she is being recognized in such a fitting manner. Congratulations, Carolyn, from Southwestern University.”
There’s never enough room to talk about a philanthropist’s work, but she is also supporter of The Georgetown Project, the Angel Fountain Foundation, the Georgetown Library, Georgetown Arts Center, Georgetown Symphony, and a few more. “It’s easy to get involved in this city,” she says. “There are a lot of people with generous hearts who are looking for outlets and they can find it easily in Georgetown.”
Being Citizen of the Year was a surprise to her and she is characteristically humble. “Me? Everyone [in Georgetown] is like me; giving back in different ways. We find our little slots and I feel privileged to live here; a secure place to live, friends and opportunities like these, and in 15 minutes I can be parked at Klett and go to the symphony. I can sit on my porch and watch the deer run across my backyard. I love living this close to nature and still have all the things I need. Especially the people here who make Georgetown a city of compassion.”
Still, Carolyn is not taking a break any time soon. “In 2017, I would love to see the groundbreaking for the Palace. I would love to see the Living Museum in place for the Williamson Museum, and maybe get to do our Dan Moody play again. I’m going to continue being a part of all my groups. I just want to keep up and keep doing the good work.”