Williamson County Juvenile Services held a special ceremony during their January board meeting. Director Scott Matthew recognized retiring Director of Facilities Allan Bijou, who spent the entirety of his 32-year career with the county in service to the Juvenile Center. With family, friends and colleagues in attendance, Matthew said “I never had to worry about this place with Allan because he was on top of everything. He gave it everything and, at one point, even told the Commissioners’ Court that he would work for nothing.”

Former Juvenile Director Charlie Skaggs spoke and reflected on the successes among the “hundreds and probably thousands of kids over [Bijou’s] 32-year career here whose lives were made better.” Assistant Director Matt Smith added, “No matter what was going on and when times were tough, there was no one I’d rather see coming down the hall than Allan.”
Matthew unveiled Bijou’s official portrait, which was placed in the main hall, unique in that Bijou is the only non-director to be honored in that way.
Mr. Bijou was humble and said while he didn’t have time to thank everyone, he was especially grateful to Skaggs and Matthew. “It was an honor, privilege and pleasure to work here. If i had to do i tall over again, I would.
County Judge Bill Gravell also honored Mr. Bijou at Commissioners’ Court for his service to and example for the County.