San Gabriel Presbyterian Church received, quite literally, a truckload of 2240 pumpkins last week and they are hoping everyone in Georgetown will stop in for a visit before Halloween. They are also inviting everyone in Texas to their open house Family Fun Day on October 15. Last year, more than 1500 visitors enjoyed games, tractor rides, face painting, photos, and plenty of food.
Church elder Phil Lacey says, “The pumpkin patch and family day is our anchor event for community outreach and we build our visibility on it. It is an opportunity to meet the greater Georgetown community. It is free and we’re right here in town. We love to show folks who we are and if they decide to come back on a Sunday, we are thrilled to have them.”
Pumpkins are managed through Pumpkin Patch Fundraisers and are grown on the Navajo Reservation in Farmington, TX. “It is close to home and we love to support their business. The money we raise pays the Navajo nation and profit is split between local Scout programs and our children and youth ministries.” Church volunteers and Cub Scouts were on hand to meet the truck and lay out all 2240 pumpkins on the church grounds on Williams Drive between Sun City and Randall’s center.
Lacey adds that nothing goes to waste. The church has events for every age group throughout October; kids’ story time in the patch to batting practice for teens when the fruit gets soft. Anything left over is given to local farmers to feed livestock.
Lacey adds, “The pumpkin patch is very family oriented and we have many families with kids. Being so close to Sun City we enjoy seeing congregates bring their grandchildren to services as well. We have such a friendly group and our people are outgoing. It is our hope that as Georgetown continues to grow, we will welcome young families looking for a great church for fellowship and service.”
The pumpkin sales tent is open every day from 10am-7pm and after church on Sundays. “Pumpkins are great for holiday décor, tabletops, porches and they are extremely good for your health. Forget about the canned stuff with extra sugars or syrup; just pop them in the oven and cook them whole. If you don’t cut them, they stay fresh for eating for about two months.”
Lacey adds, “We are eager to be a community partner. You don’t just open your doors Sunday morning and have people walk in. We invite folks to come and enjoy a great day and a good experience, and when they look for a church or have a spiritual need, they remember where they felt welcome.”
Family Fun Day in the Pumpkin Patch is Monday, October 15 from 10am-2pm. Free activities include hayrides, face painting, storytime, archery, horse rides, pumpkin painting and more. There will also be food and beverages for those hard at play. Proceeds from pumpkin sales benefit the Navajo Nation, Boy Scouts and the church’s Family Outreach programs. Visit SGPCGeorgetown.org for more information.