Omar Kadir (D)
What made you decide to run for County Treasurer? Contested elections create a healthy electorate. We all need to have a choice on our ballot.
What qualifications and background do you have for this position?
My entire career has been in the accounting industry.
Why do you believe should voters choose you?
As a professional accountant, I know I can do that job because I’ve been taught by the best!
Scott Heselmeyer (R)
What made you decide to run for County Treasurer?
As a 6th generation Williamson County resident, my roots run deep in this county. Last year, I was honored to be unanimously appointed as Williamson County Treasurer by the Williamson County Commissioner’s Court, receiving the vote of commissioners from both parties. My legal and financial background help me take a unique approach to the office. This, and a career spent helping small businesses in Williamson County succeed, are making a real difference in sound management of the county’s finances. I am looking forward to continuing that leadership through a full term.
What qualifications and background do you have for this position?
I have served as Williamson County Treasurer for the last 19 months. Voters can look at the results that the Treasurer’s office has produced under my leadership and at my long record of service and involvement in Williamson County. After graduating from Thrall High School, I received my undergraduate degree from Texas A&M and my law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C. Prior to being appointed County Treasurer, I practiced law in Williamson County for 14 years, representing primarily small to mid-sized businesses and local banks. In this capacity, I dealt with multi-million-dollar banking and real estate transactions on a daily basis, and I have served several years on the board of a local community bank. The County Treasurer serves as the county’s financial manager, and these experiences provide me with a unique skill set for that role.
Why do you believe should voters choose you?
The County Treasurer is the county’s chief investment officer. During my tenure, we have more than doubled the rate of return on county assets, and this fiscal year we produced more than $8.8 million in investment returns for the county. My legal career has focused on complex, often multi-million-dollar, banking and real estate transactions. This background is bolstered by my experience as director of a local community bank. These experiences provide me with a unique combination of education and real-world application that allow me to carry out the responsibilities of the Treasurer’s office expertly. This is a challenging role in a rapidly changing environment. The taxpayers can’t afford to provide on-the-job training to a candidate without these experiences and qualifications.