Robin Barfield is a familiar face on the Jarrell City Council, having served from 2010 to 2014. When her career responsibilities made it difficult to attend all the meetings, she felt she owed it to the City and made the difficult decision to resign her seat and allow a new representative to take her place.
Now she is a business owner, able to make her own schedule and is very excited about having the opportunity to get back on the City Council after the November 3 election; “It was a very good time in my life and I enjoyed being in a position to give so much back to my community.”
Barfield says, of her earlier terms, she did not know a lot about roads when she started, “But I learned if you are persistent and willing to knock on TXDOT’s door and call them constantly, you can get a lot of great things done.” She worked with many local businesses and the Jarrell Fire Department and was able to get approval for the overpass rebuild at C. Bud Stockton Loop, and also worked closely with the County to make sure the CR305 and Ronald Reagan Blvd overpasses were included in the 2013 Bond package.
Currently, she is Chair-elect of the Jarrell Chamber of Commerce and has plans to work very closely with local business owners and the Jarrell Economic Development Corporation to bring new businesses to Jarrell. “I want to bring the right kind of businesses here; small manufacturers, a few sit-down restaurants to complement our fast food franchises, and I would love to see an urgent care center.”
She also will focus on acquiring and attracting agencies and businesses that supply services to seniors, like Meals on Wheels, and a movie theater for younger residents and families.
“I want to make sure we encourage the community to buy local and be frequent patrons to the businesses that are here. When residents help local businesses success, new businesses will recognize that success and want to come here as well to give us the services and retail that we need.”
Barfield has a Facebook page Robin Barfield for Jarrell City Council and she invites voters to visit for information and also to send her questions via private message. Her intent is to engage in positive and constructive dialogue with residents to learn about concerns, issues and share ideas. “I can’t encourage people enough to be involved in some way in our community. I do a lot of work at the public library, First United Methodist Church, and the Jarrell Women’s Network. There are so many options; FFA or an athletic booster club. We have a great place to live here and the more we support each other, the better it will be.”
The Jarrell Council election is Saturday, November 5th.