On May 16, District Judge Rick Kennon swore in Edgar Izaguirre as the newest Williamson County Magistrate. “This is an important ceremony because our Magistrate offices are now fully staffed and there will be no unusual burdens on Justices of the Peace or Judges to keep the booking process running smoothly.” Magistrates are an important part of the process, often working night shifts, as defendants can not be released from jail until they see one.
The Magistrate, or Associate Judge, is a civil officer who may oversee criminal cases such as minor alcohol violations, traffic cases, and minor tobacco violations in criminal court. When a person is arrested, he or she appears before the Magistrate to find out the specific charge, what the bond will be set at and how that person can go about getting on with life while a case may be pending.
Mr. Izaguirre has been an attorney for the past 19 years and says he has aspired to the position for some time. “I am very proud to join a team that is looking to make Williamson County a better place.” As a new attorney, he clerked in the municipal court in Austin and always hoped to have the job someday. He was most recently a practicing criminal and general attorney in Austin.
Already at work, observing, the day before he took his oath, he will begin his full time work May 22.