Retiring County Judge Dan Gattis and Mayor Dale Ross ready to throw the switch…

Joe Marion and Jellybean on the courthouse lawn

Georgetown Police Department Assistant Chief Cory Tchida and Captain Roland Waits keeping the peace.

The Austin Carolers

Gabriel Medina and Melissa Ortiz brought Melianys (10) and Adrian (8)
Retiring County Judge Dan Gattis (below) greeted the crowd and was invited by Mayor Dale Ross to throw the switch to officially light the Square and kickoff the holiday season in Georgetown. At right, the Austin Carolers led the crowd for the 7th year in a row. • Gabriel Medina and Melissa Ortiz brought Melianys (10) and Adrian (8) to the see the lights for the first time. • GPD Assistant Chief Cory Tchida and Captain Roland Waits • Joe Marion and Jellybean