by John R. Carter
My governing philosophy is simple: let Texas run Texas! That means less government and less regulations so you can have more control over your life.
Sadly, not everyone sees things the way I do. Obama-era regulations are choking the economy and costing jobs and taxpayer money. Our former president always opted for more government and his faith in unelected bureaucrats dictating the rules we have to live under was everlasting.
Help is on the way! Republicans in Congress are working with President Trump to reverse the tide of overregulation and help stimulate the economy. Just a few months into 2017, we have already sent numerous measures to the President for him to sign into law.
Many of these initiatives are designed to protect jobs, especially in America’s innovative energy sector. With one bill, we stopped a rule that would have wiped out one in three coal industry jobs. With another, we ensured that American oil and gas companies remain competitive on the global marketplace.
Recognizing that parents, teachers, and local school boards should be the driving force in local education, we repealed a Department of Education regulation that unilaterally increased federal control in education. We also rolled back stringent federal accountability requirements that were overly burdensome on local schools.
More long-overdue regulatory reforms are on the way. House Republicans are working to eliminate regulations that hinder community banks’ abilities to support small business. We’re working on health care reforms that puts patients, not the government, in charge. We will continue to reverse bad regulations and stand up for the American workforce.
President Trump, to his credit, isn’t afraid to take matters into his own hands. Via Executive Orders, he’s rolling back Obama’s war on coal and the EPA’s overreach into state waters. Recognizing that our energy needs are tremendous, Trump has paved the way for the Keystone XL and Dakota pipelines to break ground. By stopping the most devastating regulations on our energy industry, President Trump’s actions will create jobs, boost our economy and lead us towards energy independence.
The President is also working to limit the reach of the White House. He’s tasked each executive branch agency to report to the Office of Management and Budget on their agency’s programs and other responsibilities in an effort to identify areas that can be cut, including duplicative programs and areas that are no longer of value
Washington is finally learning what Texans have long known: let the people, not Uncle Sam, be in charge! Rolling back regulations isn’t about limiting government solely for the sake of limiting government. It’s about returning power from Washington to states and communities. We’re off to a great start and I know that better days await us.
Rep. Carter represents TX Dist 31, which includes Ft Hood, the largest active duty armored military installation in the free world. He serves as Chair of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Appropriations, co-chair of the Congressional Army Caucus, is on the Subcommittee for Commerce, Justice and Science and the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee.