Nicholson Brings Experience To District 2
by Mike Payne
Georgetown is a dynamic, fast growing community. Its unique and extraordinary quality of life is continually derived from the fact that its leadership has lived here and been engaged for years. Without that engagement, one is unable to capture the zeitgeist of today’s Georgetown.
In the upcoming race for City Council District 2, only one candidate possesses these traits— longtime resident, Valerie Nicholson. Her family has deep roots here, and she continues, along with her husband and three children to be exceptionally active in the community. Nicholson is no freshman at knowing what is happening in and around the city. She is a V.P. on the Williamson Museum Board; volunteers for the Main Street Program as a member of the Economic Vitality Committee; sits on the GISD District Performance Council; and serves on the Georgetown Commission on Aging. In addition, when something is happening in Georgetown, you’ll inevitably find her jumping in with both feet to help myriad causes that make Georgetown a better place to live.
She is confident in sharing her views, accepting every opportunity to speak or answer questions in forums. She had said repeatedly, “I do not have a ‘change agenda’. I believe that evidence supports that the city is on the right track, and I simply want to continue to support the proven exceptional leadership of the Council, Staff, and Mayor. Of course, I understand my charge to consider the needs of my constituents first, as well as those of the city as a whole.”
In regard to Nicholson’s opponent, a Georgetown resident for only three years, although he is decidedly amiable, that in no way prepares him to understand or lead on the issues that confront Georgetown. The decision to serve the City is commendable, but success in that position can only come from a well-prepared candidate who understands the past, the present, and even the future plans that they wish to represent. There are myriad opportunities to learn more about Georgetown prior to serving on the City Council, including Boards and Commissions or non-profits. The Chamber of Commerce offers a course on leadership in Georgetown, which many who seek positions in leadership attend. It is our recommendation that Mr. Sray investigate these avenues, gain some experience, and then by all means, if he chooses, seek to serve on the City Council in the future.
Management of the fastest growing city of its size in America requires leadership that has been engaged and that has sought diligently to learn how to lead. In this case, The Advocate endorses Valerie Nicholson to replace retiring Keith Brainard in District 2.