I’m in the Deplorables basket. Even more than most, I assume, since I even voted for Trump in the primary.
So Hillary thinks I’m a racist, homophobic, islamaphobic, sexist, xenophobe. The Huffington Post followed up by saying data proves she was being conservative by using “half” because surveys show Trump supporters are actually worse than that.
To start, Reuters reported in June that 50 percent of Trump supporters believe African-Americans are more violent than whites. Well, Hill-ington, how about the Wall Street Journal data that says, during the years studied, 50 percent of all murders and nearly 40 percent of all violent crimes in the U.S. were committed by the 13 percent of our population who are African-American. Does it make me a racist to believe that?
Or the findings from study after study on the “Ferguson Effect”, referring to the phenomenon of police officers backing off from proactive policing in response to the anti-cop Black Lives Matter movement, with a resulting rise in violent crime. Trump recited the facts out loud; violent crime is up 17 percent in our largest 50 cities. Does it make me racist to believe those findings?
Technically, being a racist means I believe myself to be superior to another person simply by the circumstance of his or her birth; namely skin color or ethnicity. Something a person has no control over.
Not liking criminal behavior is not the same thing. We despise the purpose of the KKK, but is it racist to despise BLM members who say, “I just want to kill white people”?
I’m also not an islamaphobe. Religion could be a matter of choice, but I don’t care how people worship. I do care about a person whose primary goal is to kill me.
Ahmad Khan Rahami said his leaders told him “to kill unbelievers where they live.” And he said, “Okay.” So… I am afraid of those guys, but “phobia” is an irrational fear. I don’t fear Muslims, and I don’t think it’s irrational to be afraid of people who put bombs in trash cans.
The problem is that there’s no way to tell the difference. We don’t have crystal balls to identify people who hate us unless or until they choose to behave in a threatening way.
I think the same of her claim that I’m a xenophobe. It’s not about where you’re from, it’s what you do. Illegal is illegal. If we could deport the KKK and hackers and Wall Street frauds and child predators, I’d vote for that too.
Homophobes? The only thing scary about gay people is the men are too fabulous and make me look bad, and the women are intuitively more confident and also make me look bad.
Deplorable? Adjective 1. causing or being a subject for grief or regret; lamentable. —hmmm…Clinton Foundation, Travelgate, IRS audits, Lewinsky, White House vandalism, Filegate, Whitewater, Vince Foster, E-mail-gate, Chinagate, Bosnia snipers, Pardongate, Benghazi, Watergate. I won’t go so far as to say Pneumonia-gate, but maybe just mention the culture of lies and hypocrisy that led to it.
Simply put, I think Trump’s unconventional putting America first can’t be more damaging than what Hillary wants to do with it. Given her (face it) criminal history and the inability of national media to focus on anything without bias, I’m happy she finds me deplorable.
Hmm, working two jobs and paying my bills on time the way I do like a crazy person?– Sheesh! I am understandably ashamed. Aren’t you?
It may be unpopular or even wrong to say the things he does, but I’ll take the unknowns of a Trump Presidency over my Hillarist Clintophobia any day.