I’m annoyed at the media. I know, that puts me in a club of about 150,000,000 people.
Ironically, of course, I work in many media but more so than my job, I am a consumer of it. Also, and perhaps, hypocritically, I wish reporters and producers didn’t think I need to know so much.
I love information, but when I win the lottery I’m going to create a news channel or publication that seriously just reports facts without my or anyone else’s opinions. How nice would it be to watch the news and hear about gene therapy for blindness, or the OSIRIS-Rex returned viable asteroid samples to Earth. Does anyone at CNN realize that “news” is the plural of new, as in new items? Think maybe they could find something to talk about that actually is, instead of the olds and rehashes?
All this stems from the fact that as a voracious consumer of popular culture, I have quit watching and reading many channels that just can’t shut up ragging on our President. There are so many things going right in this country right now but I have to look for it. There’s a reason Hallmark Channel viewership has grown by 35 percent in the last 18 months.
No longer can I passively receive uplifting updates on things unless I read Sheriff Chody’s Twitter feed. Anderson Cooper could learn a thing or two about positive reinforcement.
Anyway, it used to be you couldn’t push a power button without some talking head complimenting the polish with which Obama blew his nose. Incidentally, in 2015 the former director of Norway’s Nobel Institute revealed that he regrets the committee’s decision to give the 2009 Nobel Peace award to President Obama. I’m just saying.
But now all I hear about is Stormy Daniels and Comey and Russia. Yes, our President has behavior problems, but I’m sick of having to sit through one pundit after another just to hear 45 seconds about the booming economy or the low unemployment rate. Meanwhile, my IRA is finally growing again but MSNBC doesn’t seem to care. But, say what you want about the President, in many ways, America is getting great again.
For those of you who think I’m naive about his character and his bad behavior, I say what I have said since I voted for him in the primary—Hey, I don’t want to date him, I want him to fix the nation and keep North Korea from blowing up my family. He’s doing that.
Further, whether you like him or not or have nothing good to say about him, you still have to call him Mr. President. At least let’s have some respect for the office.
I used to be an avid watcher of Saturday Night Live and a half-dozen other shows that made my nightly escape from reality quite delightful. Today, I don’t think the SNL writers even go outside any more because every sketch is a rip on our President. It’s boring and lazy. Don’t even get me started on previously-genius John Oliver or the new Will & Grace. I used to applaud their forward thinking humor, and although I will always love Jack McFarland, the scripts on that show are nearly as torpid as Lorne Michaels’.
Comedy and drama are about creativity and reflecting the things we care about or find amusing as viewers. None of these single-minded morons are reflecting anything about the 63 million people who voted for Mr. Trump.
Sadly, I’m just another voice screaming into the wind. Hollywood is notoriously liberal and always will be but at least if someone does a Google search on #liberalmediasucks, one more little column will pop up. Meanwhile, I’ll be over here watching Netflix, reruns of Andy Griffith and counting the interest in my 401k.