While some at home may have been shaking their fists at Canada for sending their weather down here, about 300 health-minded students and family members withstood the 40-degree day to participate in the 7th Annual Chase the Chief Challenge at East View High School March 3.
Chief Nero waits at the finish line to congratulate the runners. Hayden (3rd) is among the top finishers in the Fun Run Kindergartner Scarlet enjoys a visit with “Her Chief!” Assistant Chief Cory Tchida and Superintendent Dr. Fred Brent Delta Jolly during the warm ups! Jake, a 6th grader at Meridian, conquered the rock wall
Participants had their choice of a 1K Fun Run, a 5K run, a rock wall and several local vendors with fitness options to-go.
The goal of Chase the Chief is to encourage students and their families to lead active, healthy lives. This event is a joint fitness initiative by the Georgetown Police Department, Georgetown ISD, and the Georgetown Health Foundation.
The Chief’s Challenge, Fun Run and 5K are designed to get kids and families off the couch and focused on fitness. Georgetown Police Chief Wayne Nero said, “This kind of weather is where we find out who is really motivated. It’s not really about chasing me, although that does motivate some. It’s about chasing your best time and highest level of fitness. We want people to look at what they did last year at this time and try to do even better.”
This year, the event was re-named for the late Jerry Hammerlun, of whom son Greg said, “Our father loved this community and this school district. [Our family] wanted to do something to honor that and give back. This is for the students for the community. Those two things go hand in hand and he was very passionate about both.”
Proceeds from this event will help fund grants for GISD physical education programs. Last year, $9,000 was awarded to GISD physical education departments and was used to purchase additional gym equipment.
Nero spoke to the crowd before warm-ups by Camp Gladiator trainers; “We are glad to have this first named Hammerlun Fun Run. He was a great man and a great friend and we are dedicating this run to him. This is what community is all about. The first year we did this we had 350 people sign up. This year… over 2000! It is great to see how this community bonds over our shared misery of the cold!”
Proceeds will be delivered to schools by Police Department representatives before the end of the school year.