Hundreds of aspiring young athletes and volunteers gathered on the fields of Southwestern University April 9 to spend the day learning the rules and techniques of a variety of sports for competition and fun. The free event was sponsored by The Locker and supported by many local businesses; Sheraton Georgetown, Sonic, Kohl’s and H-E-B.
Locker founder Karen Crosby was happy to have members from six different Lockers attend to provide service to others. “We have 12 groups across the state now and I have been blessed to see children who have learned how to be on the giving and receiving side of what The Locker does. Camp Crosby is a day of fun and education and I’m so proud to see so many people here. Kids really do treat each other differently when they become a part of our organization.”
Pictured: Mason Crosby with the third-grade volleyball group. • 3rd-grader Grace lines up for a mean dodge ball volley. • 7-year-olds Lucas and Landon mastering tackle football. • Piper, 5-1/2 working on her receiving skills.